General Therapy Issues
- Addictions
- Aging
- Assertiveness
- Communication Problems
- Creativity/Artist Depression
- Difficulty Managing Emotions
- Difficulty Trusting Self and Others
- Dissociation
- Divorce Recovery
- Eating Disorders
- Fear of Abandonment/Fear of Engulfment
- Future Focus: Worrying and Anxiety
- Grief and Loss (loss of Pets too)
- Inhibitions: Work, Creativity, Sexuality
- LGBTI Issues
- Maladaptive (Unhealthy) Attachment
- Not Feeling “Good Enough”
- Past Focus: Regret and Remorse
- Power Struggles
- PTSD/Traumatic Stress/Anxiety
- Repeating Self-Defeating Behavior
- Retirement
- Self-Doubt/Self-Esteem
- Self-Loathing
- Sexual Identity
- Spirituality/Forgiveness Issues
- Transitions
Podcast – Can You Say No To Your Spouse?
To download this podcast, CLICK HERE.
Podcast – Repeating Childhood Rescue Patterns in Relationships
To download this podcast, CLICK HERE.